Thrive IOP: An Alternative To Hospitalization

Oakwood’s Intensive Outpatient Program

Thrive IOP vs. In-Patient Hospitalization

Inpatient treatment (e.g., hospitalization) is an appropriate treatment option for an individual who is actively suicidal and potentially posing a threat to their own wellbeing.  The challenge with that is that students often have to go several hours away to a major city to receive the treatment, mostly based on which hospital has beds available at the time of crisis.  

However, some individuals are in a middle zone in which they are not actively suicidal, but they need more support than weekly therapy. The Thrive Intensive Outpatient (IOP) program was created to meet that specific need, specifically for college students.  
Clients who participate in the Thrive IOP receive up to four group therapy sessions per week, with each group running three hours each. Thrive IOP clients also receive an hour of individual therapy per week.  That’s a total of up to 13 hours of therapeutic support per week over the course of the 4-week program.  Groups are run in the evenings, so students can continue to take classes during the day, and at the end of each evening group session, students can return to the comfort of their own bed.  

The Thrive IOP is a powerful therapeutic model that provides the care and support students need while allowing them to continue with their daily academic and social lives on campus. 

Student Need

According the the National College Health Assessment, 73 percent of college students reported moderate to severe psychological distress in 2023. With Texas A&M, Sam Houston State, and Blinn college having a combined student population of 110,000, it can be estimated that up to 80,000 students in the Brazos Valley are at-risk for requiring more extensive psychological and academic support.

Limited Resources

In both 2023 and 2024, Forbes conducted studies ranking states according to access to mental health care.  Both years, Texas fell at 50 of 50, making it the most difficult state to access mental health care services. In the Brazos Valley, outpatient mental health care providers are typically booked many months out, limiting student access to longer-term weekly therapy.

Intensive Outpatient Program Workflow

Students are onboarded via an intensive clinical interview and psychosocial assessment. Formal assessment measures include the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory and the SPECTRA Indices of Psychopathology.

Students participate in three, three-hour group sessions per week. An additional, fourth “make-up” session is offered when scheduling conflicts arise. Session content is based in dialectic- behavior therapy, and includes both mental health and academic components.

Students participate in individual therapy one hour weekly. Therapy sessions are facilitated by the group therapy facilitator,
allowing students the opportunity to truly personalize the learning.

Thrive staff provide liason services between the student, relevant medical health care providers and relevant academic advisors at their college.

Has Demonstrated Potential

Students who will be successful in the Thrive IOP have already demonstrated academic potential in that they have been accepted into their college or university. The Thrive IOP will support that academic potential by providing both psychological and academic support.

Has Demonstrated Desire

The fact that any student would actively seek additional support with their mental wellness speaks to demonstrated initiative to maximize their living. While the Thrive IOP is not an ideal program for students whose presenting issue is substance abuse related, the program will offer vast benefit to those students whose primary needs are rooted in anxiety and depression.

The ideal client for the Thrive IOP is the undergraduate or graduate college student with the
potential to achieve both behavioral and academic success given the appropriate support.

Secure your appointment with Oakwood Counseling now and begin your journey to healing.
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